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Sunday, December 31, 2006
God is dead; Übermensch And as this goes Against all convention And tradition God is dead And so are we Didn't we see that day That very last play Where we proclaimed In much glory (And yes it was gory) King of the Jews Crucify Nail that lie End this blasphemous high Blood spilt The balance of morality - The imbalance; a tilt It was then When it came the end For some The beginning of paradise Others The ignition of the end The others I am And I'm right Now let thine words show thou why. What came about His death Forgiveness? Redemption? Love? Well, none of the above Hatred continued Malicious people grew The good suffered And the holy too Persecuted, tortured Ignored, torched Lives lost At the stake For 'infringement' of the Canon laws The crusades The fight for Jerusalem Our holy land We their fiend The century of arms The famined farms Lives lost Sorry, but what was the cause? The fight for God But ' What's in a name? that which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet;' Just as the goodness of any other God Just one universal benevolent loving Lord Then came splinter cells Mama Tata Protestants Anglicans - RASTAFARI Now, ask: “What different are we?” Orthodoxy and convention Eroded Exploded Why? Because some King had to be horny And marry Religion; volatile Transient Nothing But a human science We create And we will destroy This romantic parody Of heaven And bread unleaven Now tell me, Children of God Who is this Lord - ? Our mind’s churnings Or thy unadulterated spiritual learnings? What say thee merry chum chum? Or art thou dumb? *To all you fervent Christians, please do not let my words hurt or affect you, God is great only if you believe in him. The mind is a powerful thing, it is. God bless. Sunday, December 17, 2006
? What life holds.We don't know. We weren't told.Just left in the cold. To fend.To lend. To brand.But not stand. Irony of this.Is the bliss. Preached by this. Thursday, December 14, 2006
The Alleyway His heart as heavy as stone, he stood in the alley all alone. Cold yet fired up with emotion, he waked on without a vision. He looked to the end of the alleyway - to see only a brick wall forming, cold, hard and stone. He was alone. The street lamp shone bright into the eternal darkness of night. It engulfed his emotions, his soul, his heart. A vacuum of nothingness, a void created. He was lost. Lost to the world of futility, unknowingly where and there he stood. He looked back to the street, to only see cars flash past. He walked on, deep into the heart of the demon, the vortex of evil, the epicenter of zilch. The only thing he knew was that he knew nothing. His life a pawn, always a part of a bigger picture, yet always never quite there; almost always, always almost he was. He knew another for certain - the silence and repose of the night, the darkness and tranquility, fraud with danger so much safer than life itself. He looked back for the very last time, turned his back and crossed over into the world of peace, the world where only spilling his own crimson could be a passport. Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Length Contraction Special Relativity. In-Absolute Morality. All the same. Reference frames differ. We people suffer. Don't explain. It IS pain. Sceptics. Stoics. Pigs. Absolutes; time and space. Man tries to break light's pace. Woe befall thee; thy mortal malaise. Saturday, December 02, 2006
Ichor So why does it hurt so much? |